This morning, while trying to pass the time, I went for a little drive by the river. While I was driving, I looked out over the water and saw how choppy it was in one area, then a little further down, it seemed to be calm. Looking back on this, I realize how it applies to our walk with God; at times our time with Him can be so peaceful and content, and at others, He takes us through rough patches and our waters are choppy. When I've been in those rough patches in my life I used to think that it was God's way of punishing me for some sin that I had yet to confess or for something else that I did wrong in my life. However it's now that I see that through those rough patches and choppy waters I learned how to lean more on God and to not rely on myself or those around me to sustain me and keep me above water. Sometimes God takes us through those choppy waters to break down our pride and self-gratification…to show us that He truly is the one and only One that can save us! Thanks be to God for those rough waters in our life!